The Nebulous Stars® universe offers young girls from 7 years old a unique environment that combines aesthetics, well-being, and positive values. A wide variety of activities will keep children entertained while encouraging their personal development.
In a world where children are affected by the chaos of modern life, this new line will allow them to reach a state of calm and well-being.
Practicing an artistic activity, paired with messages spread by our Stars, will introduce young girls to the calming practices of meditation and relaxation while encouraging their creativity and self-esteem.
Product Categories
Cold & Flu
For snotty noses, medicine messes and fevers that won’t quit.
Grooming & Bath
For bathing, claw-trimming, mane-taming + skin-soothing.
Gas & Colic
For freeing farts + calming colic.
Teething & Oral Care
For soothing sore gums and putting brushing battles to bed.